• Your Nutrition specialise in a variety of areas including chronic disease management, weight management & NDIS & disability. We also provide dietetic assessment and management to a range of conditions including bariatric surgery, women’s health including pregnancy, fertility and PCOS, paediatric fussy eating, eating disorders and disordered eating, food intolerances, gut health including IBS, implementing a low FODMAP Diet, Coeliac Disease, Ulcerative Colitis & Crohn’s Disease, Diverticular Disease, Diabetes and Heart disease, kidney and liver function, nutrition deficiency, cancer and optimisation of vegan and vegetarian diets.

    Unsure if we can help you? Call us on 0458 920 404 or email us at hello@yournutrition.au to find out more.

    We offer both face to face and Telehealth consultations.

  • At Your Nutrition, we want individuals of all ages to find joy in eating well, where food isn’t just about staying healthy but feeling good and satisfied in the long run. Our experienced Dietitian are here to help remove the stress around eating by making mealtimes simple and convenient to your lifestyle. It’s Your Nutrition, Your Way and we would love to work with you to help you achieve your goals and improve your wellbeing.

    Our dietitian brings their expertise and years of working with people 1:1 to help identify potential barriers, trends and patterns in behaviours, whilst also analysing your nutritional and health needs.

    A personal consultation with our Accredited Practising Dietitian will assist you in achieving long-term, sustainable results.

  • At Your Nutrition, we don’t provide any physical assessments so you won’t miss out on anything you could expect in a Face to Face consultation with our Dietitian. You can still receive the expert care and support of our dietitian via video or phone call.

    Once your appointment is booked you will receive a confirmation appointment and a meeting link to Microsoft Teams (if wanting a video call).

  • Initial/ First Consultations:

    Our Dietitian will complete a full dietetic assessment which encompasses reviewing any relevant medical notes, blood tests and and questions to support the analysis of a tailored nutrition plan based on your needs. This may include questions and further information around any weight fluctuations, abnormal ranges or deficiencies in recent blood results, other relevant clinical considerations including gastrointestinal symptoms, usual lifestyle patterns including working arrangements, physical activity level, eating patterns and food preferences, family history and of course diving a little deeper into the dietary component where we analyse your current nutritional intake (including macro and micronutrients) and requirements to support a plan moving forward.

    After we collect and analyse this information, we will provide nutrition education and a tailored plan to support your goals.

    Follow up / Review Consultations:

    These consultations are usually shorter and the main focus is to review your tailored plan, monitor progress and receive ongoing support to help you achieve your dietary goals. If required, further nutrition education and adjustments are made to ensure sustainable, long-term results.

  • If you wish to cancel your appointment, please call 0458 920 404 or send an email to hello@yournutrition.au no less than 48 hours before the scheduled appointment as a courtesy to enable other persons on the waiting list or requiring urgent treatment to take your time slot.

    If 48 hours notice is not provided a cancellation fee will be charged.

    If a failure to attend occurs, full fee of consultation will be charged unless under special circumstances, consideration will be given and this charge may be waived.

  • No, you do not need a doctor’s referral to see our Accredited Practising Dietitian. However, some clients are eligible for a Government funded Health Care Plan (Chronic Disease Management (CDM) formally known as an EPC). You can ask your GP if you are eligible.

  • Sessions are dependent on the individuals health requirements. For a general guide, we recommend at least 1-2 follow up / review appointment to ensure we can support you appropriately however some clients may feel that the information and nutrition plan provided in the initial consultation is enough for them and that’s ok too.

    Our Dietitian will discuss how many appointments are recommended for your health needs during the first consultation. If you are someone with complex needs, we may need multiple touchpoints over a few months to years to ensure best dietetic care.